Farm Development @ SBCA

During this time of COVID 19, many people maximize their time by cultivating the soil, taking care of the plants, ornamental or even vegetables for family consumption or even for selling in the markets.  For us here in the school, since SBCA is in an area where portion of its land can be used in planting, the school community together with the sisters initiated cultivating the soil at the beginning of the school year.  The teachers and the staff enjoyed planting Calamansi beside the Junior High School Building. 

The inspiration to continue developing the farm area in SBCA is sustained through the efforts of Sr. Carmelita Arenas, who despite her age, is energized to lead in this Farm Development.  We have harvested calamansi, corn, sili, and we enjoyed the fresh harvest of fruits like the guyabano, papaya, banana, and dragon fruits, among others. 

We are grateful to Philippines – Japan Province of the Good Shepherd who assisted us financially in purchasing the small tractor for our use in the Farm and to other private individuals who helped us financially as well in this project.

Our efforts to CARE for our COMMON HOME is the call of the Encyclical of Pope Francis – Laudato Si, in 2015 and our little but significant way of living out one of the priority issues of the RGS – Integral Ecology in our local community here in Alitagtag.  This was heightened by the COSMIC WALK that everyone participated last October, 2020.

SBCA, together with the students and their families hopes to join the GLOBAL EARTH DAY CELEBRATION on April 22, 2021.  You can look forward to this, and we hope that you can be with us on that day.